Moontide quartet rene
Moontide quartet rene


Here's additional proof, forwarded to me by the Video Vault guy. C'est tres magnifique!Īt the risk of sounding like a total geezer, I will once again insist that records (Lps, "vinyl") were better than CDs. (I can feel my hands getting sweaty from this one.) Facing Northwest.

moontide quartet rene moontide quartet rene


I liked "The Full Monty" better, but this one is pretty good, too.Īlso watched a History Channel DVD about the construction of the Eiffel Tower, almost twice the height of the Washington Monument in D.C. Anyway, "This is England" - good film and recommended. It's not like trying to understand Ozzy Osborne. The gal at Video Vault suggested that I turn on the English subtitles when viewing this one (Oi! Yobs!), but as I watch - and listen to - a lot of British stuff I was able to follow the dialogue pretty well. How it wound up in the normally left-wing Washington Post, I'll never know. (The last "good" war being, apparently, World War II.) That has gotten old, too.īTW, if you're a right-winger you may get a kick out of this article, on an associated theme. It seems that a lot of the time filmmakers have a knee-jerk reaction against war no matter what, whether it's in self-defense or not. I guess it was more anti-Thatcherite in tone than right-wing or left-wing. There's also a left-wing or right-wing (I'm not sure!) anti-Falklands War theme in this one I could have done without. How long do I need to attend this particular white male reeducation camp, anyway? (Answer: Until I'm trained out of thinking like a white male.) I've had this stuff thrown at me relentlessly since about 1968 or so and I'm weary of it. To be honest, I am tired of films and material with racial intolerance themes. It has a a lot in common with Quadrophenia (1979), except this one is about Skinheads, not Mods, and takes place in 1983, not 1965.


It's a continuation of the troubled teen/juvenile deliquent movie genre I started in April. Oi! At the nearly constant urging of my son, who is something of an Anglophile like me, I watched the film " This is England" (2006) yesterday. Didn't want to scare him off.) My pards Chris and Barry will also be present, so we're a four man regiment - the Second Maryland Volunteer Infantry Regiment "Sunshine Patriots." (From a pamphlet by Thomas Paine: "These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.") As the motto suggests, we don't take this stuff real seriously. (I haven't told him that all of the events I have done this year sucked pretty badly. After my glowing reports of how fun reeancting was last year, he decided to buy up new stuff and start reenacting again, on a strictly limited basis.

moontide quartet rene

This one is a big deal because it's the triumphant reappearance - after fifteen years away - of my pard Mal Stylo. Tomorrow I drive up to the Winchester environs to "fight" the Reb with Mister Lincoln's Army at the Cedar Creek reenactment. Really, is there truly anyone who looks forward to these things? I never have, neither in private industry nor in federal employment. They motivate no one, but can and do de-motivate people. I am now doing performance appraisals with my employees at work, a thoroughly unsatisfactory process. This may have only been a four day work week, but it sure felt like a five day one. Blog archive: April-October 2007 Blog archive: October-December 2007 Blog archive: January-April 2008

Moontide quartet rene